35 Days: Sink or Swim

Last night I lamented that I felt like I traded my personality for my sobriety. In many ways that statement is completely true, and that's not necessarily a bad thing. The identity that I left behind when I stopped drinking was not a man that I wanted to keep being. It was that of a … Continue reading 35 Days: Sink or Swim

Day 34: Me or Sobriety

I'm tired of my sobriety. I don't mean that in a "I'm going to have a few drinks" kind of way (even though I can honestly admit that I do want to drink). I mean that in the sense that I feel like my sobriety is all I have become anymore. I get that I'm … Continue reading Day 34: Me or Sobriety

Day 32: The Awkward Sobriety

I've been covering for my sick boss this week, so I've been getting up VERY early in the morning and heading to work hours before the sun peeks over the horizon. I'm not complaining about it; I worked a similar shift for years and with this position it's nice because I can get a lot … Continue reading Day 32: The Awkward Sobriety

The Big 3-0

Today is supposed to be something to celebrate: achieving thirty days of sobriety. The truth is that every day of sobriety is a battle won and a small victory. For many recovering addicts, today yields a bronze coin to commemorate the occasion, a token of accomplishment, and a small reminder that if you can make … Continue reading The Big 3-0

28 Days and Oblivion

I've been sober for four full weeks now and I can honestly say that I'm genuinely disaffected more than I am happy or unhappy. I'm maintaining a form of contented contempt for most things anymore. The problem with indifference is that while it can help you sustain a pretty even outlook on things, it does … Continue reading 28 Days and Oblivion

Galatians Anonymous

Inspired by BibleGateway.com's Verse of the Day is the following passage from the Book of Galatians (presented in my preferred King James Version as well as the New International Version for the purposes of simplification): Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that … Continue reading Galatians Anonymous

Overcomer by Mandisa

The truth of recovery from addiction to alcohol and/or drugs is that the statistics don't work in your favor. Your chances of relapsing and returning to your addiction range from 50% to 90% (depending on a lot of factors). When your best-case scenario is that you have a 1-in-2 chance of successfully recovering, you know … Continue reading Overcomer by Mandisa

20 Days Abstinent, 7 Days Doped

It's difficult to tell how I should feel about things right now, and that alone is a concern. The longer I am on Seroquel and Zoloft the better my behavior has gotten... to a degree. I still haven't mastered the timing of when I take the Seroquel, which I use to help me sleep amid … Continue reading 20 Days Abstinent, 7 Days Doped

19 Days and Counting

This was probably my "best day" so far since I've stopped drinking. I didn't get enough sleep last night, but I did have some good energy today and was pretty productive at work. That-said, I was absolutely exhausted by the time I got home and I've really wanted nothing more than to take my medicine … Continue reading 19 Days and Counting

15 Days Sober – A Trade-Off?

I started Seroquel (quetiapine) a few nights ago to help me sleep. Before that I was serving myself a strange little cocktail of Southern Comfort with diphenhydramine and a melatonin chaser. Without taking anything at bedtime my thoughts just keep racing and sleep won't happen unless I'm absolutely exhausted. The Seroquel more than did it's … Continue reading 15 Days Sober – A Trade-Off?